Now showing items 61-80 of 1248

    • the 5th international conference - Des 2012 

      Hindryawati, Noor (2012-12-19)
    • Uji Praklinik Ramuan Herbal Asma Borneo sebagai Spasmolitik Saluran Napas secara In Vitro 

      Ismail, Sjarif; Iskandar, Abdillah; Kosala, Khemasili; Moerad, Emil Bachtiar (Kongres Nasional XIV IKAFI Ikatan Farmakologi Indonesia, 2013)
      Latar Belakang: Asma merupakan masalah kesehatan yang serius diberbagai negara didunia dan Indonesia dengan prevalensi yang tinggi. Maka penemuan obat baru untuk asma akan bernilai ekonomi. Ramuan herbal asma Borneo secara ...
    • Propil awal penguasaan konsep optika pada calon guru fisika 

      Qadar, Riskan (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan 2013 "Membangun SDM Indonesia melalui pendidikan yang membebaskan", 2013)
      A descriptive dtudy has conducted to see the profile of preservice physis teachers consept mastery on optics. population on this study are physics education students on a LPTK in East Kalimantan. Data were collcted using ...
    • Hubungan vegetasi sempadan terhadap kelimpahan ikan di sungai Separi 

      Matius, Paulus; Bratawinata, Achmad Ariffien; Sukarti, Dr. Ir. Komsanah; Sidik, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Syafei (Konferensi Akuakultur Indonesia, 2013)
      Komsanah Sukarti, Ach. Ariffien Bratawinata, A. Syafei Sidik dan Paulus Matius. 2013. Vegetation relationships demarcation Against Fish Abundance in the River Separi. Konferensi Akuakultur Indonesia 2013. The research was ...
    • Bank Efficiency and Productivity Growth in Indonesia during Restructuring period 

      Defung, Felisitas (the 9th Eurasia Business and Economic Society (EBES) conference, 2013)
      More than a decade after the severe economic crisis in 1997, Indonesia has undergone major changes in the banking industry. The restructuring program is continuing up to the present to strengthen and improve the performance ...
    • Analisis Faktor Risiko Kanker Serviks di Kalimantan Timur 

      Paramita, Swandari (Maternal and Child Health Summer School, 2013)
      Abstract Background :The aim of the study is to find risk factors associated with cervical cancer in East Kalimantan. Methods :This was a case-control study conducted in A.W. Sjahranie County General Hospital at Samarinda ...
    • Uji Praklinik Ramuan Herbal Asma Borneo sebagai Spasmolitik Saluran Napas secara In Vitro 

      Moerad, Emil B; Kosala, Khemasili; Iskandar, Abdillah; Ismail, Sjarif (Kongres Nasional XIV IKAFI Ikatan Farmakologi Indonesia, 2013)
      Latar Belakang: Asma merupakan masalah kesehatan yang serius diberbagai negara didunia dan Indonesia dengan prevalensi yang tinggi. Maka penemuan obat baru untuk asma akan bernilai ekonomi. Ramuan herbal asma Borneo secara ...
    • Analisis Faktor Risiko Kanker Serviks di Kalimantan Timur 

      Swandari, Paramitha (Maternal and Child Health Summer School, 2013)
      Abstract Background :The aim of the study is to find risk factors associated with cervical cancer in East Kalimantan. Methods :This was a case-control study conducted in A.W. Sjahranie County General Hospital at Samarinda ...
    • Ungkapan Bahasa Dayak Tunjung : Suatu Kajian Etnografi 

      Mulawarman, Widyatmike Gede (Seminar Internasional Sastra Bandung 2013, 2013)
      Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi masih banyaknya bahasa daerah di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, khususnya Kutai Barat yang belum disentuh sebagai objek penelitian sehingga nilai-nilai kearifan lokalnya belum tergali sebagai ...
    • Bank Efficiency and Productivity Growth in Indonesia during Restructuring period 

      Defung, F. (the 9th Eurasia Business and Economic Society (EBES) conference, 2013)
      More than a decade after the severe economic crisis in 1997, Indonesia has undergone major changes in the banking industry. The restructuring program is continuing up to the present to strengthen and improve the performance ...
    • Characterization of Lipase Production of Bacterial Isolate 04 from Liquid Waste of Crude Palm Oil Plant Production 

      Candra, Krishna Purnawan; Yuliani, Yuliani; Sastrowijaya, Sastrowijaya (6th International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology. Pontianak, 16-19 October 2013., 2013)
    • Kajian Filsafat Hukum Hak Penambangan 

      Kotijah, Siti (Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman, 2013)
      Pemikiran hak penambangan beranjak dari pemanfaatan sumber daya alam yang tidak bisa perbarui bagi kemanfaatan suatu negara, atau masyarakat yang dianugrahi kekayaan berupa tambang. Ada 2 (dua) teori secara filosofi terkait ...

      Septiarini, Anindita (2013)
      Kerahasiaan data sangat diperlukan dalam hal komunikasi data. Untuk menjamin keamanan dan kerahasiaan data tersebut diperlukan teknik tertentu untuk menyandikan data, pesan maupun informasi yang disebut dengan kriptografi. ...
    • Sustainable harvesting management in sago plantation in small production area 

      Candra, Krishna Purnawan; Sahid, Abdul (International German Alumni Summer School India. New Delhi, 17-25 April 2013, 2013)
    • Co-expression Analysis of Genes Associated with Cambial Cell Differentation during Wood Formation 

      Wood is common name of xylem of trees, an important source of fixed carbon used for woody materials and industrial purposes such as timber, pulp, furniture, fibers, and also as energy source or for other products (films, ...
    • Hubungan vegetasi sempadan terhadap kelimpahan ikan di sungai Separi 

      Sukarti, Komsanah; Bratawinata, Achmad Ariffien; Sidik,A. Syafei; Matius, Paulus (Konferensi Akuakultur Indonesia, 2013)
      Komsanah Sukarti, Ach. Ariffien Bratawinata, A. Syafei Sidik dan Paulus Matius. 2013. Vegetation relationships demarcation Against Fish Abundance in the River Separi. Konferensi Akuakultur Indonesia 2013. The research was ...
    • Co-expression Analysis of Genes Associated with Cambial Cell Differentation during Wood Formation 

      Wood is common name of xylem of trees, an important source of fixed carbon used for woody materials and industrial purposes such as timber, pulp, furniture, fibers, and also as energy source or for other products (films, ...

      Subagyono, RR Dirgarini; Marshall, Marc; Jackson, W. Roy; Chaffee, Alan L. (American Chemical Society, 2013)
    • Propil awal penguasaan konsep optika pada calon guru fisika 

      Qadar, Riskan; Suhandi, Andi (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan 2013 "Membangun SDM Indonesia melalui pendidikan yang membebaskan", 2013)
      A descriptive dtudy has conducted to see the profile of preservice physis teachers consept mastery on optics. population on this study are physics education students on a LPTK in East Kalimantan. Data were collcted using ...
    • Ungkapan Bahasa Dayak Tunjung : Suatu Kajian Etnografi 

      Mulawarman, Widyatmike Gede (Seminar Internasional Sastra Bandung 2013, 2013)
      Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi masih banyaknya bahasa daerah di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, khususnya Kutai Barat yang belum disentuh sebagai objek penelitian sehingga nilai-nilai kearifan lokalnya belum tergali sebagai ...