Analysis Growth and Makro Hara Elements Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba), JATI (Tectona grandis) in Gorontalo
Sandalayuk, Daud
Lahjie, Abubakar M.
Simarangkir, BDAS
Ruslim, Yosep
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To know the growth analysis of Jabon (Antocephaluscadamba) and Teak (Tectona grandis). Need to measure and see the growth in a certain period where a certain moment of growth will decrease, analyze the soil nutrients in the lab so that the consideration in the maintenance and fertilizer done regularly. Consideration for harvesting as needed in wood or plywood processing. The method used Where all the jabon, mahogany, gmelina, pine, and teak trees in the pathway are measured in height and perimeter for use in the calculation of the basal area and the content or volume of the tree (100% Census). To find out the macronutrients on the soil, the samples were extracted by digging a depth of A. 0-20 cm, depth B, 20 - 40 cm, C depth, 40 - 60 cm at 4 (four) points in each type and mixed evenly each plot or stand as much as 1 kg for the macro elements analyzed namely: N, P, K, Ca, Mg S, to know which element is lacking on each stand of plant forest [1]. Implementation of research. This implementation was carried out to make a plot by using a metering string of raffia for the plot's circumference; the tree began to be measured by using tree labels with sequential numbering. The tree was measured around using a tall meter of trees using Christenmeter with a 4 m. Soil sampling on topsoil using a crowbar to 0-60 cm depth of 1 kg each type of stand at each layer 0-20 m, 20-40 m and 40-60 m to be analyzed in laboratory quantitative and qualitative. Mean Growth at age 3 years and diameter of jabon 4.66 cm of trees, year total volume 52.28 m³ha¹, MAI 17,43 m³, CAI 30,95 m³, Medium point intersection MAI (mean annual increment) 30,52 m³ and CAI (current annual increment) 30.69 m³ occurs at the age of 10 years with some of Volume 305,21 m³ ha¹. In Jabon growing area it can be seen that the availability of macronutrients in Jabon plants, N content, at a depth of 20 cm low 0.1%, medium K element so low at a depth of 20, 40, 60 cm only 0.37, 0.29 and 0.61 me 100gr¹ (˂ 10 me 100 gr¹), Slayer 20 is 9.97 me 100gr¹ (6- 20 me 100gr¹) neutral soil with pH 7. So the jabon plants still lack N, P, K and S need to be added to the layer of 20 cm depth. Teak growth at age 10 years after the inventory of an area of I ha of 614 trees with a diameterCa also very high more than 20me 100gr¹, P 0.37 me 100gr¹, K 0.32 me 100gr¹ and S 0.16 depth 20 cm Very low at pH 7.7 So it is necessary to add N, P, K, and S. of 13 cm tahun¹, volume amount 42.40.m³ ha¹ and MAI 4.24 and CAI 9.83 m³. At the time when MAI 10.55 m³ and CAI 10.26 m³, intersected at one point then it was allowed to harvest age 32 years the amount of volume 337.45 m³ ha¹. Analysis of the growth of a tree species and know the nutrient needs of the soil nutrient qualitative nutrients needed Teak plant can be seen element N on the soil is still very low, Mg very high because more than 8 me 100gr¹ medium Ca also very high more than 20me 100gr¹, P 0.37 me 100gr¹, K 0.32 me 100gr¹ and S 0.16 depth 20 cm Very low at pH 7.7 So it is necessary to add N, P, K, and S.
- J - Forestry [128]