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dc.contributor.authorSuryaningsi, suryaningsi
dc.identifier.issnISBN : 978-602-5902-81-9 E – ISBN : 978-602-5902-80-2
dc.descriptionEast Kalimantan as a province that has multi-ethnicity and religions, the condition of a singer can trigger a fairly high intolerance problem. Lately, the spirit of tolerance and diversity within the framework of the Pancasila ideology has continued to experience a drastic degradation among the Indonesian people, especially among young people. So it is found that the potential for intolerance vulnerability is still very worrying. Of the total 1,520 respondents, 59.9 percent belonged to the hated group. Groups that are hated include those with non-Muslim religious backgrounds, Chinese groups, communists, and others. Of that 59.9 percent, 92.2 percent disagreed if members of the group they hated became government officials in Indonesia. As many as 82.4 percent do not even want the members of the hated group to become their neighborsen_US
dc.descriptionEast Kalimantan as a province that has multi-ethnicity and religions, the condition of a singer can trigger a fairly high intolerance problem. Lately, the spirit of tolerance and diversity within the framework of the Pancasila ideology has continued to experience a drastic degradation among the Indonesian people, especially among young people. So it is found that the potential for intolerance vulnerability is still very worrying. Of the total 1,520 respondents, 59.9 percent belonged to the hated group. Groups that are hated include those with non-Muslim religious backgrounds, Chinese groups, communists, and others. Of that 59.9 percent, 92.2 percent disagreed if members of the group they hated became government officials in Indonesia. As many as 82.4 percent do not even want the members of the hated group to become their neighborsen_US
dc.description.abstractThe Indonesian nation is one of the various nations in the world that has a history and principles or ideology in life that is different from other nations. Pancasila was chosen as the ideology of the Indonesian nation because the values come from the original personality of the Indonesian people themselves. Pancasila has an important function and rank in the Indonesian state, namely as the identity of the Indonesian nation, as the ideology of the Indonesian nation and state, as the basis for the state philosophy, and as the principle of the unity of the Indonesian nation. The purpose of writing is to see and describe the importance of adopting ideology for the people of East Kalimantan in welcoming the national capital. This article uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Sources of data were obtained through the socialization of ideology as the primary data for organizational activists in East Kalimantan, lecturers, and teachers, and youth. Secondary data sources in the form of data needed in. The results of the data were analyzed in stages such as reducing data, displaying data, and then drawing conclusions. The results showed that the people of East Kalimantan always agreed to strengthen the values of Pancasila in their everyday life. The implementation of Pancasila rests on the local wisdom of the East Kalimantan people through togetherness, openness, honesty, love, independence, tolerance, trust, courtesy, and harmony. The concept of planning, the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, must be mature starting from planning design, realizing the welfare of local communities, especially the welfare of newcomers. The government requires taxes for immigrants for the survival of local communities. The government is also obliged to consider environmentally sound development with various alternative considerations so that the new capital of the Republic of Indonesia can last a long timeen_US
dc.description.abstractThe Indonesian nation is one of the various nations in the world that has a history and principles or ideology in life that is different from other nations. Pancasila was chosen as the ideology of the Indonesian nation because the values come from the original personality of the Indonesian people themselves. Pancasila has an important function and rank in the Indonesian state, namely as the identity of the Indonesian nation, as the ideology of the Indonesian nation and state, as the basis for the state philosophy, and as the principle of the unity of the Indonesian nation. The purpose of writing is to see and describe the importance of adopting ideology for the people of East Kalimantan in welcoming the national capital. This article uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Sources of data were obtained through the socialization of ideology as the primary data for organizational activists in East Kalimantan, lecturers, and teachers, and youth. Secondary data sources in the form of data needed in. The results of the data were analyzed in stages such as reducing data, displaying data, and then drawing conclusions. The results showed that the people of East Kalimantan always agreed to strengthen the values of Pancasila in their everyday life. The implementation of Pancasila rests on the local wisdom of the East Kalimantan people through togetherness, openness, honesty, love, independence, tolerance, trust, courtesy, and harmony. The concept of planning, the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, must be mature starting from planning design, realizing the welfare of local communities, especially the welfare of newcomers. The government requires taxes for immigrants for the survival of local communities. The government is also obliged to consider environmentally sound development with various alternative considerations so that the new capital of the Republic of Indonesia can last a long timeen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFKIP UNMULen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFKIP UNMULen_US
dc.publisherYayasan Sinergi Riset dan Edukasien_US
dc.subjectIdeology, Pancasila, Strengthening, State Capitalen_US
dc.subjectIdeology, Pancasila, Strengthening, State Capitalen_US

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