Sifat Kimia dan Penerimaan Sensori dari Abon dengan Formulasi Daging Ikan Gabus (Channa striata) dan Jantung Pisang Kepok (Musa acuminata balbisiana Linn)
Shredded meat is a popular fish processing product in Indonesia. It commonly added by non-protein food stuff rich in fibre to improve its characteristics like increasing the fibre content. In some cases it is aimed to reduce the production cost. Here we describe the effect of formulation of snakehead fish meat (SFM) and banana male flower bud (BMF) on chemical and sensory properties of shredded meat. A single factor experiment arranged in Completely Randomized Design with five levels of treatment was conducted. The formulation of SFM and BMF in a total of 200 g were (i) SFM 200 g; (ii) SFM 150 g and BMF 50 g; (iii) SFM 100 g and BMF 100 g; (iv) SFM 50 g and BMF 150 g, and (v) BMF 200 g. Chemical (water, ash, oil, protein, and fibre content) and sensory (hedonic and quality hedonic for colour, aroma, texture, and taste) characteristic of the product were determined. Chemical data were analysed by Anova, while sensory data were analysed using Friedman test. The tests then continued by Tukey test for treatment showed significant different. Increasing BMF portion affected on all chemical and sensory parameters observed. The increase of BMF portion in the product will decrease the panellist’s preference, however shredded meat with formulation of 150 g of SFM and 50 g BMF (25% of BMF) showed insignificantly different with the shredded meat of 100% SFM for the sensory acceptability.
- J - Agriculture [654]