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dc.contributor.authorMarisi, Abdullah
dc.contributor.authorSidik, Achmad Syafei
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the experiment was to assess the growth, moulting frequency and the occurrence of cannibalism of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergi de Man) in captivity. The prawn reared in separate plastic tanks stocked each by 30 prawn of male only, female only and the group of male- female. To assess the growth differences between male, female and the group of male-female the completely randomized design (RAL) was appplied in the experiment. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Toxycology, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science, Mularaman University from June 4 to July 2, 2018. Results showed that the growth (both weight and length growth) and the specific growth rate of male, female and the group of male-famale did not indicate any significant differences (P>0,05). The moulting frequency of male prawn was observed haigher than both female only and the group of male-female prawn. Cannibalism occurred in the occassion of prawn moulting, and the number of occurences was relatively the same between sexen_US
dc.publisherJ. Aquawarmanen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 5 (1);66-69
dc.subjectFrequency of moltingen_US
dc.subjectGiant Prawnen_US
dc.subjectMacrobrachium rosenbergiien_US
dc.titlePertumbuhan dan Frekuensi Molting Udang Galah (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) Monosex Dalam Wadah Pemeliharaanen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe growth and moulting frequency of the Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) monosex in captivityen_US

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