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dc.contributor.authorSagena, Uni W.
dc.contributor.authorSagena, Uni W.
dc.identifier.citation2nd ICTROPSen_US
dc.description.abstractThis article aims to discuss the presence of Indonesia slow food actors, namely Presidia, as a response to fast food phenomena, globally and locally. Those phenomena raised several impacts such as health problems, negative consumer lifestyle and environmental degradation. From food security perspective, those impacts of fast food phenomena could cause insecurity food in the future. Food security concept helps to explain the objective of Presidia and how they promote slow food project through food security approach of FAO. This article is a qualitative and descriptive study using primary and secondary data obtained interview with the Presidia activists and literature review from books, journal and online sources. This article offers fairly new concept from non-traditional security studies and introduces Indonesia Presidia and slow food actors in Indonesia. The importance of the study is relay on the food issues as public goods but less of concern in International Relation studies. The result is that fast food trends in Indonesia showed fulfill risks indicators of food insecurity, such as unavailability, no access, no utility and no stability. As the counterbalance, the actors specifically tried to cover the Presidia’s rare products which began to appear, including Tengkawang Nut Oil, Heritage Banana Varieties Yogyakarta and Cingagoler Honey from Cerana Bees. Meanwhile, formal actors of governments and social movements are still lacking. Therefore, the benefit of this article is helps to understand the issue of food insecurity and the movements of local actors as well as to addressing newly International Relation concepts of non-traditional security studiesen_US
dc.publisherMulawarman University Pressen_US
dc.subjectSlow food, food securitu, indonesia presidia, fast fooden_US
dc.titleTake It Slow: The Response of Indonesia Slow Food into Food Securityen_US

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