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dc.contributor.authorMax, Jonathan Irene Sartika Dewi
dc.description.abstractReading Musical Practice of Mamanda Kutai through Musical Ecosystem. Mamanda Kutai (Ladon) music is a highly essential aspect of Mamanda Kutai's performance since the absence of the music makes Mamanda Kutai just an ordinary drama. Mamanda is a show originated from South Kalimantan. It flourished in East Kalimantan because Kutai was one of the areas controlled by Banjarmasin Sultanate. The heyday of Mamanda Kutai occurred when this art was performed regularly not only by Kutai Kartanegara Ing Maradipura Sultanate as Karesmenan Aji, but also by Kutainese society. In the period of its heyday, every village in Kutai Kartanegara had Mamanda Kutai group. Nowadays, there is only one group left called Mamanda Panji Berseri. This study aims to find out how to preserve Mamanda Kutai music both by Mamanda performer and the government. The authors implemented descriptive analysis method by collecting several sources in the form of text as well as conducting interview. The results show that the sustainability of Mamanda Kutai has degenerated in terms of the existing group’s quantity owing to the lack of Mamanda Kutai’s musical ecosystem preservation. Some of the challenges faced by Mamanda Kutai are (1) the lack of teachers with cultural literacy; (2) the lack of economic welfare of Kutai Mamanda performer; (3) the absence of the documentation of this art; and (4) the lack of broadcasting of Mamanda Kutai's performances.en_US
dc.publisherResital (Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan) ISIen_US
dc.subjectMamanda Kutai music; Mamanda Panji Berseri; preservation; musical ecosystemen_US
dc.titleMembaca Praktik Musik Mamanda Kutai Lewat Ekosistem Musikalen_US

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