Now showing items 1-10 of 39
Model Assessment of Land Suitability Decision Making for Oil Palm Plantation
(IEEE/Universitas Mulawarman, 2017)
Model assessment of Land suitability (MAOLS) is a valuable tool for palm land, and it is used to manage the natural resource in the land clearing of oil palm plantations. This model is applied to a decision support system ...
Automatic Glaucoma Detection Method Applying a Statistical Approach to Fundus Images
(Korean Society of Medical Informatics, 2018-01)
Objectives: Glaucoma is an incurable eye disease and the second leading cause of blindness in the world. Until 2020, the number of patients of this disease is estimated to increase. This paper proposes a glaucoma detection ...
The Contour Extraction of Cup in Fundus Images for Glaucoma Detection
(Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), 2016-12)
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world; therefore the detection of glaucoma is required. The detection of glaucoma is used to distinguish whether a patient's eye is normal or glaucoma. An expert ...
Web-Expert System for the Detection of Early Symptoms of the Disorder of Pregnancy Using A Forward Chaining and Bayesian Method
(Little Lion Scientific, 2017-06)
Web-Expert system (Web-ES) is used to recognize the symptoms early in women pregnancy disorders. Every pregnancy risk factors will endanger the safety of the mother and the baby, if the information obtained is less in the ...