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dc.contributor.authorPanjaitan, Rosnauli
dc.contributor.authorDiana, Rita
dc.contributor.authorHaryati, Tati
dc.identifier.citationMardhiana et al 2022 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1083 012056en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims first to determine the ground cover species that are potentially important for agriculture in the peat swamp forest of Tengku Dacing Village, Second, knowing the benefits and potentials of the ground cover species that are potentially important for agriculture. Third, knowing the distribution of the ground cover species that are potentially important for agriculture in the peat swamp forest of Tengku Dacing Village. The research method uses descriptive quantitative and qualitative descriptive methods. The quantitative descriptive method is carried out by analyzing the data that has been obtained using the data analysis formula from Indriyanto in 2017. While the qualitative description method is carried out by conducting an analysis with plant species identifier experts and literature research to determine the types and potential of the understorey plants that have been successfully recorded. With this research, it is hoped that the community will be able to know more about the important value of each existing understorey, whether it is used as a medicinal plant, ornamental plant, or as a basic material for making handicrafts. The results of this study, concluded that: first, there are 28 species of understorey in the peat forest of Tengku Dacing Village. Second, there are 15 spesies of plants that have the potential as medicinal plants, 6 types of plants that have the potential as ornamental plants and several plants that have the potential as basic materials for handicrafts (mats). Third, the diversity of understorey species in the peat swamp forest of Tengku Dacing Village is not too high. Fourth, the understorey that dominates the peat swamp forest of Tengku Dacing Village is Carex cryptostachys. Fifth, the distribution pattern of plants in the peat swamp forest of Tengku Dacing Village is in groups.en_US
dc.subjectSwamp forest,Tengku Dacing, ground cover speciesen_US
dc.titleStudy of The Ground Cover Species Important for Agriculture in Peat Swamp Forest Area Tengku Dacing Villageen_US

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