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dc.contributor.authorPRIYAGUS, PRIYAGUS
dc.description.abstractThis research takes the object of research in the Berau Regency Government, East Kalimantan. The source of the data used is secondary data in the form of financial statements of the Berau Regency local government, this is the authorized BAPENDA (Regional Revenue Agency) of Berau Regency from 2010 to 2017. The data analysis technique used path analysis with the Eviews Program. The analysis method uses path analysis with the Eviews Program. used is panel data by combining cross section and time series. The model used is a random effect through the Hausman test, while for econometric testing, classical assumption tests are carried out, and to test the hypothesis using t-test to partially test the effect of variables, F-test to test the effect of variables simultaneously, test the coefficient of determination (R2) to test the ability of the regression model in explaining the variation of the dependent variable. The results showed that Regional Financial Independence, PAD effectiveness, BUMD Contributions directly had a positive effect on capital expenditures. Capital Expenditure Allocation directly had a positive effect on Economic Growth in Berau Regency. Regional Financial Independence, PAD effectiveness, BUMD Contribution indirectly have a positive effect on Economic Growth through Berau Regency Capital Expenditure.en_US
dc.subjectRegional financial independence, pad effectiveness; bumd contributionen_US
dc.titlePengaruh kemandirian keuangan daerah, efektivitas pad, dan kontribusi bumd serta alokasi belanja modal terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi kabupaten berauen_US

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