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dc.description.abstractCommunity engagement activities through the Business Development Program of Campus Intellectual Products (BDPCIP) have been carried out at Mulawarman University by forming the complementary medicine services at Mulawarman University clinic. The purpose of this community engagement activities was to diversify business unit at Mulawarman University Clinic, increase the profit earnings independently, beneficial to the communities, and provide students with work experience and opportunities in the complementary medicine services at Mulawarman University Clinic. A SWOT analysis was carried out before the business startup to measure success potential, and the results of the analysis were concluded to be feasible to start the business. Complementary medicine services consist of acupuncture and herbal medicine, officially opened on May 2, 2018. The number of visits to the end of August was 110 and the number of patients treated was 47 people with a total income of Rp. 3,777,900; Patient characteristics were female (88.2%) and men (11.8%), mostly related to musculoskeletal disorders followed by obesity, and dyspepsia, almost all liked herbal medicine and more than 50% received herbal medicine. Revisit patients have been experienced the beneficial effects of the complementary medicine, obtained from the treatment of herbal medicine, acupuncture or a combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine. Students of the Faculty of Medicine have also been involved to assist services in blood pressure examination.
dc.publisherJurnal SOLMA
dc.titleLayanan Komplementer di Klinik Universitas pada Pengembangan Usaha Produk Intelektual Kampus

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