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dc.identifier.citationAlhawaris. Review: Potency of Borneo Endemic and Typical Plants as Anti-Cancer Medicines. JKPBK. 2022; 5(1): 37-53.
dc.description.abstractThe Island of Borneo (it’s also known as Kalimantan), Indonesia has extensive forests overgrown with various plants. Some of them have been believed for generations and empirically have efficacy as traditional medicines. It is estimated that more than 200 medicinal plants are growing in the forests of Borneo Island. Some of them had been studied to have a number of secondary metabolites that act as anticancer, such as Bawang Dayak/Bawang Tiwai (Dayak/Tiwai Onion), Tahongai, Tanaman Sarang Semut (Ant Nest Plant), Batang Kuning (Yellow Stem)/Akar Kuning (Yellow Root), and Pasak Bumi/Tongkat Ali. Meanwhile, some of them still need to be investigated further regarding the secondary metabolites of their plant parts and their properties as herbal medicines, especially as anti-cancer, such as Sengkubak, Kayu Bajakah (Bajakah Wood), and Jahe Balikpapan (Balikpapan Ginger). This study aimed to obtain information about those plants as anti-cancer medicines by literature review method.en_US
dc.publisherJurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantanen_US
dc.titleReview: Potency of Borneo Endemic and Typical Plants as Anti-Cancer Medicinesen_US

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