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dc.contributor.authorHuda, Muchamad Samsul
dc.contributor.authorHamdian, Hamdiana
dc.description.abstractAbstract: Regarding the issues and focus of assistance From the findings obtained in understanding the concepts of physical education and sports, the teacher said many different things, the learning process and its objectives would change, not focusing on fitness but more on temporary student achievement. In essence, sport here has a different meaning. with physical education, sport means something that leads to achievement, while physical education leads to physical fitness. The method used in this activity is a training model. By delivering material, simulations, questions and answers and sharing seasons are used to gain knowledge and discoveries obtained from each teacher. During the training, if there are participants who do not understand or do not understand, they can be directly asked. Questions and answers also function to determine the extent to which participants understand the material that has been given. a form of technical action or program action to solve the problems of physical education and sports teachers. While the discussion on the results of the service includes peer discussions that are relevant to the findings of the mentoring results. Keywords: Training, Skills, Teachers, Education and Sportsen_US
dc.subjectPhysical Education Teacher Teaching Skill Training and Sports MI Mamba’ul Ma, arif NU Kerembung Sidoarjoen_US
dc.titlePhysical Education Teacher Teaching Skill Training and Sports MI Mamba’ul Ma, arif NU Kerembung Sidoarjoen_US

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