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dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Mangrove fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris L) from Sonneratiaceae family known with local name “Pidada Merah” has bioactive components. The present study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of this plant. Method: The sample was macerated using methanol, the antimicrobial activity assay was performed using agar disc diffusion method against Escherichia coli ATTC9637, Staphylococcus aureus ATTC6538, and Candida albicans ATTC10231. Results: Antimicrobial activity of Mangrove fruit methanol extract were obtained the optimum concentration of S. aureus of 80%, E. coli of 15%, and C. albicans of 30%. Conclusion: based on the results, the sample has antimicrobial properties, and this is a preliminary data for further study
dc.publisherPharmacognosy Journal
dc.titleIn vitro Antimicrobial Activity Evaluation of Mangrove Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris L.) Extract

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