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dc.contributor.authorMuhdar, Muhamad
dc.description.abstractIndonesia is a country with abundant natural resources, ranging from sand, tin, copper, coal, iron ore to gold. Therefore, the State should provide wise and sustainable management of natural resources to ensure environmental justice. This study will examine how Aristotle's distributive justice can sharpen the concept of justice for coal mining management. This study will focus on environmental justice in intragenerational terms in terms of Aristotle's distributive justice to coal mining. Protection of access (conservation of access) reflects the allocation of rights and access to natural resources balance between different generations and fellow members of the current generation. Thus, access to protection provides fair and non-discriminatory rights for every citizen of the current generation to use environmental resources. However, in using these resources, each member of the current generation has an obligation (equitable duties) to ensure that his actions will not reduce future generations' access to these resources. The state through mining or environmental policies has not provided justice for the community, where the community are exposed to more risks such as social injustice, environmental and health harm from coal mining activities than receiving the benefits. Keywords: coal; mining; sustainable development; distributive justice; environmental justice.en_US
dc.publisherIndonesian Comparative Law review (ICLR)en_US
dc.titleEnvironmental Justice in Intra Generations: An Overview of Aristotles Distributive Justice to Coal Miningen_US

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