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dc.description.abstractViolence against woman represent global problem, estimated at least one among five woman in the World have experienced of violence conducted by man hence in moderation if told by KDRT represent the part of issue health of society which was proper to be paid attention. This research was conducted to make violence to health problem and woman which was its effect become to have face not merely assumption, but manifestly show related between health problem and violence. This research aim to know Perception Of Woman Victim violence In Household Concerning Impact violence Of Physical at Woman Health (P2TP2A) Province of East Kalimantan This Research was qualitative study with Fenomenologi approach. Technique intake of data through sampling snowball of method was later conducted by circumstantial Indepth Interview and observation of situation condition. The Result showed that experience of the victim woman of KDRT (form violence of physical tike hitting, cuffing blow, strangulation and also pushed when pregnancy, with the frequency often occur at home, cause of economic problems, excessive jealousy, husband behaviour and power of husband, the impact of physical violonec in the form of annoyed of health of physical, health bounce and health of reproduction and perception of victim concerning impact hardness of physical for a long time cause fatal that was death. Suggested to victim woman of KDRT better earn to be able to share and be more open (Curhat) concerning natural sigh to people closest and better report to act violence to P2TPZA regarding what have been experienced.en_US
dc.publisherBadan Penelitian & Pengembangan Daerah Kaltimen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVo. 3;No. 2
dc.subjectdomestic violence, woman healthen_US
dc.titleJurnal Persepsi Wanita Korban KDRT mengenai Damak Kekerasan Fisik pada Kesehatan Wanita Korban Kekerasan Fisik di Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak (P2TP2A) Kalimantan Timuren_US

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