The Influence of Role Ambiguity, Job Stress and Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover at PT. Bank BRI Syariah Samarinda
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of role ambiguity, job stress and leadership quality on job satisfaction and employee turnover in PT. BRI Syariah Bank Samarinda. The study was conducted on 89 respondents, based on the distributed questionnaire results, it can be seen that the number of respondents who will be analyzed are 89 respondents. Using Partial Least Square (PLS) which supported by the WarpPLS program. Data analysis is carried out in two stages, assessing the outer model or measurement model and assessing the inner model or structural model. The findings shows that role ambiguity has significant negative correlation with employee job satisfaction, job stress has significant negative correlation with employee job satisfaction, leadership has significant positive with job satisfaction, role ambiguity has significant positive correlation with employee turnover, job stress has significant negative with employee turnover, leadership has significant negative correlation with employee turnover, job satisfaction has significant negative correlation with employee turnover.