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dc.contributor.authorAnggraeni, Ike
dc.contributor.authorAdnin, Saidatul
dc.contributor.authorAstria, Yuli
dc.contributor.authorFirmansyah, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorCanigia, Yessica
dc.contributor.authorNur, Muhammad H
dc.contributor.authorYen, Lebin
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Saipul
dc.contributor.authorRajagukguk, Stanley
dc.contributor.authorKhornaylius, Ervin
dc.contributor.authorHartanto, Herlina
dc.contributor.authorWolff, NH
dc.contributor.authorGame, ET
dc.contributor.authorMasuda, YJ
dc.description.abstractSustainability goals are seeking to jointly improve environmental conditions and the well-being of society. Yet achieving both environmental and human well-being goals remains challenging because improving the material well-being of people can often mean increasing the risk of environmental and ecosystem degradation. An alternative method that may help meet both goals is to target non-monetary determinants of subjective well-being. However. few studies have examined the determinants of subjective well-being in industrializing countries. Here, we report on an analysis examining the determinants of subjective well-being among health, working adults in rural villages in and around forests in the Berau Regency, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. We find there is no significant relationship between subjective well-being and measures of monetary well-being, such as income and assets. Instead, we find age, sex, self-assessed health status, and occupation are significantly associated with subjective well-being. Our results have implications for policies seeking to improve subjective well-being among these populations.en_US
dc.publisherPeer Jen_US
dc.subjectsubjective well-being, Indonesia, rural, forest communities, life satisfactionen_US
dc.titleWhat are the determinants of subjective well-being of healthy adults in rural communities in and around forests?en_US

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