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dc.contributor.authorSarminah, Sri
dc.description.abstractLandslides occur due to a combination of natural factors and trigger factors. Natural factors that cause landslides are slope, rock and soil conditions of slope constituents as well as hydrology of groundwater conditions. Trigger factors are rainfall, road construction or cutting slopes and the state of overload of vehicles. The purpose of this study is to find out the distribution of potential landslide location points as well as make vegetative and mechanical design or design on Samarinda road - Muara Badak. This research is focused on design, which refers to permenhut P.04/menhut-11/2011, landslide handling training and various journals and research books. Photos collected from each research site are identified and designed in vegetative techniques and mechanical techniques according to the conditions in the location. The priority of this study is to prevent landslides and minimize the causative factors such as erosion and surface water runoff. There need to be trials to achieve effectiveness in landslide management and education to the surrounding communityen_US
dc.publisherMulawarman University Pressen_US
dc.subjectDistribution of Potential Landslides, Mechanical engineering, Vegetative Techniquesen_US
dc.titlePenanganan Lahan yang Berpotensi Longsor dengan Rancangan Teknik Vegetatif dan Mekaniken_US

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