Now showing items 1-10 of 818
Review artikel prosiding Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Metanol Coptosapelta flavescens secara In-vitro dan In-vivo.
Lembar hasil review oleh reviewer 1 dan 2
Utilization of fish bone as adsorbent of Fe3+ ion by controllable removal of its carbonaceous component.
Hasil Turnitin Utilization of fish bone as adsorbent of Fe3+ ion by controllable removal of its carbonaceous component.
Reviewer Jurnal 2 - Bureaucracy Reformation Management for Indonesian National Police (INP) at the Police Technical Function Unit of Polresta Samarinda
(Journal of Social Science Research (, 2017-03-12)
Turnitin=Evaluation of traditional plant extracts for innate immune mechanisms and disease resistance against fish bacterial Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas sp.
Cek Similarity (Turnitin) Pengusulan kepangkatan
Eksitensi Negara Atas Pengelolaan dan Pengusahaan Sumber Daya Mineral dan Batubara,
Sertifikat HAKI ISBN : 978-602-19607-2-1 II.A.1.a.2.2. UNPAD Press ISBN : 978-602-19607-2-1
Penilaian sejawat-Diseminasi-How knox functions........
Diseminasi Internasional