The Integrated Planning to Increase Total Household Income of Paddy Farmers in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
There werevarious problems and challenges in the development of paddy farming in East Kalimantan such asthe high number of farmers, the low level of paddy farm income and the low level of farm household income. Consequently, effort is needed to increasepaddy household income and to develop the agricultural sector simultaneously. The objective of this study was to create the integrated planning to increase total household income of paddy farmers. Two stage cluster sampling was used to determine the study areas and the total 380 households of paddy farmers as respondents. This study applied regression and descriptive analysis to make the integrated planning of agricultural development in the study areas. The planning matrix is designed to help stakeholders answer some issues such as the reasons why programmes should be done, which programmes should be carried out, the methods to conduct the programmes, people involved, locations and timing.
- Reports [966]