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dc.contributor.authorKosala, Khemasili
dc.description.abstractThe roots of Tambolekar (Coptosapelta jlavescens Korth) have long been used by people for a variety of medicinal purposes. Pharmacological effects of medicinal plants are induced by secondary metabolites contained within the plants, but scientifically there is no known safe consumption data for it. The aimed study was determine the type of secondary metabolites in the tambolekar root and to study the safety of hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol fraction of this extract. Phytochemical test by color reactions to test for alkaloid, flavonoid, polyphenol, steroid/ terpenoid, anthraquinone, saponin and tannins; toxicity test by Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). Results showed in alkaloid test, there was no brown precipitate formed; in flavonoid test, red/yellow/orange precipitate was not formed; the polyphenols test on hexane fraction obtained brown precipitate, on ethyl acetate and methanol fraction it produced brown-black precipitate; steroid/ terpenoid test on hexane fraction obtained green precipitate, while on ethyl acetate and methanol extract it obtained reddish brown precipitate; saponin test on methanol fraction formed foams that persisted for more than 15 minutes; anthraquinone test on hexane fraction obtained pale pink color while on ethyl acetate fraction it obtained bright pink color; tannin test on ethyl acetate fraction obtained light green precipitate while on methanol fraction it obtained brown precipitate. BSLT test obtained average LC so at 2108 ppm of hexane fraction, 3465 ppm of ethyl acetate fraction and 3733 ppm of methanol fraction. Polyphenols, steroids and anthraquinone were detected in the hexane fraction oftambolekar root's extract; polyphenols, terpenoid, anthraquinone and tannin were detected in the ethyl acetate fraction; polyphenols, terpenoid and saponin were detected in the methanol fraction. All three fractions of the tambolekar root's extract were found to be non-toxic towards the larvae of Artemia salina. Keywords: Tambolekar, secondary metabolites, color reactions, toxicity, BSLT
dc.publisherJurnal Molucca Medica
dc.titleUji Fitokimia dan Toksisitas Fraksi Ekstrak Akar Tambolekar (Coptosapelta flavescens Korth) Dengan Reaksi Warna dan Brine Shrimp Lethaly Test

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