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dc.contributor.authorSutedjo, Sutedjo
dc.contributor.authorMatius, Paulus
dc.contributor.authorSuwasono, Raharjo Ari
dc.description.abstractThe Karst ecosystem in East Kalimantan is predominantly located in the Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat covering an area of 1,867,676 hectares. The exokarst are all features that may be found on a surface karst landscape. The objective of this study was to determine the diversity of tree vegetation (diameters >10 cm) on different slopes. Six study locations were selected as replications where each location consisted of the different of slopes. The sample plot was set up 15 plots in each location on quadrants of 10 m x 10 m. 538 individuals had been found in the study sites consisting of 163 species, 100 genera and 43 family. The Dipterocarpaceae was dominant on slopes and the upper ridges, while Shorea sp. has dominated on the upper ridges. The highest diversity index (H’) of 4.04were found on the slopes and valley while the Species Richness Index (R) and Evenness Index (e) were high in all three slopes. The highest Similarity Index (ISs) of41.06was in the slopes and valley, while the highest Decimilarity Index (ID) of 67.30were in the slopes and upper ridges. Meanwhile, the overall diversity of species in the Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat exokarst area is high.
dc.publisherThe 1st International Conference on Tropical Studies and Its Application (ICTROPS) Mulawarman University 2017
dc.titleDiversity of tree vegetation on different slopes in Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat exokarst area

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