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dc.contributor.authorHeriansyah, Masnurrima
dc.description.abstractThis research was a research and development to produce a product and test its effectiveness as one of the tool used for researches in education (educational research). To identify the story-telling activity using the puppetry stage as the medium of tooth-brushing life skill for preschoolers done by the teacher. The model implementation in this research was done in 2 Preschools. The first one was for 5 preschool teachers and 26 preschoolers of Al Haqqul Yaqin Preschool. Then, it went on to Melati Plus Preschool with 6 preschool teachers and 25 preschoolers. The conducted research program had achieved its desired target where every puppetry stage could be utilized along by the preschool teachers communicatively with their students. The teachers became more creative in expressing their ideas to create story themes and stage decorations as the supplementary points for the message of the story told. The students looked more enthusiastic as well when they were following the story and could understand the message of the story faster. They were able to participate therefore it was visible that they have the comprehension upon the story told by the teacher before.
dc.publisherESIC 2018
dc.titleThe Development of Puppetry Stage Educational Playing Tool as The Medium for Tooth Brushing Life Skills for Preschoolers

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