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dc.contributor.authorHarmonis, Harmonis
dc.description.abstractMoths have important roles in a natural ecosystem, such as food source for various organisms and as plant pollinators in the night. Moths as one of insect which have narrow niche, were assumed their biodiversity affected by habitat type. The objectives of this study were to determine species diversity, taxonomic composition, species dominance, species similarity, species evenness in three habitats (secondary forest, revegetation areas and open areas) of the Mulawarman Education Forest. In this study 31 species of 9 families of moths were sampled. The family Erebidae was the most dominant species. The diversity index analysis showed that moth diversity in all habitat types was categorized in the moderate level. Also, for the evenness index showed in moderate level. Meanwhile, high category was obtained from similarity index. The similarity analysis also revealed the differences between habitats.en_US
dc.publisherSeminar Ilmiah Kehutanan Mulawarman (SIKMA 9)en_US
dc.subjectBiodiversity, habitat, Kalimantan, moth, tropicen_US
dc.titleKeragaman Jenis Ngengat pada Tiga Tipe Habitat di Kawasan Hutan Pendidikan Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarmanen_US

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