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dc.contributor.authorParamita, Swandari
dc.description.abstractTahongai (K. hospita) is one of herbal medicine which recently obtained a lot of attention from people in East Kalimantan. K. hospita belongs to Malvaceae family. In other regions of Indonesia, Tahongai is known as timoho (Java) and paliasa (Bugis). Several compounds, such as scopoletin, quarcetin, rutin and kaempferol have been isolated from the leaves. Pharmacological properties of tahongai include anticancer, antidiabetes, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective. This review showed the potency of tahongai as a hepatoprotective agent. This review corresponds to the ethnomedicine use of this plant for treating liver disease. However, further research is needed to find other pharmacological properties of tahongai as herbal medicine from East Kalimantan. This article reviewed information about the potency of tahongai for healing several health problems. Keywords: tahongai, Kleinhovia hospita L., herbal medicine
dc.publisherJurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia
dc.titleTahongai (Kleinhovia hospita L.): Review Sebuah Tumbuhan Obat Dari Kalimantan Timur

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