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dc.contributor.authorRahayu, Anik P
dc.contributor.authorSholichin, Sholichin
dc.contributor.authorMiharja, Ediyar
dc.descriptionKonsep caring spiritualitas adalah gabungan sintesa antara teori watson dan teori abraham maslow, dimana konsep ini mampu membangun karakter diri perawat menjadi lebih peduli karena unsur spiritualitas, pada unsur kebutuhan yang lebih tinggi (Transendence need). Pentingnya dilakukan In house Training kepada perawat dirumah sakit khusunya dan tenaga kesehatan umumnya untuk meningkatkan kasadaran dan kepedulian diri untuk mencari keberkahan dan kebahagiaan hidup yang sejati dengan cara diri kita bisa bermanfaat orang lain dan membantu orang lain mencapai passion dan cita citanya. Manajemen Karakter Personal bagi perawat harus dilakukan secara rutin dan berkesinambungan agar perawat mampu memahami dengan penuh kesadaran bahwa profesi perawat adalah profesi pemberi jasa, didalamnya harus memiliki unsur ketulusan dan keikhlasan. Pemahaman yang dalam tentang konsep caring spiritualitas akan membentuk pribadi dan karakter personal yang unggul dalam memberikan pelayanan jasa kepada pasien, dan pada akhirnya mampu meningkatkan penerapan pelayanan di tatanan klinik.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn house training activities are very important to do to increase insight and also build the character of nurses. One of the in-house training activities carried out by Diploma III Nursing Study Program Lecturers Mulawarman University at RSIA. Moeis Samarinda provides material about management to build nurse character with the concept of Caring Spirituality to improve nursing services. Nurses who have good self-character, are sure that nursing services can be more optimal and can increase patient satisfaction while being treated in the hospital. This activity was carried out for one day, which began with the distribution of questionnaires and questionnaires about the level of understanding of nurses about the concept of caring spirituality and after being given training activities. The concept of caring spirituality is a combined concept between caring theory and Maslow's theory of need transcendence. The combination of the two concepts produces a caring concept which is based on the highest spiritual need as part of human needs. Based on this mind set, nurses in providing services are not just caring, but nurses carry out their duties because they want to fulfill their needs and satisfaction, expecting spiritual blessings from the Almighty, namely Allah. All activities are to help patients selflessly, help others without expecting anything in return, do their work sincerely and hope for the blessing of Allah, so that with a nurse mindset like this, nursing services can be better and satisfy patients. After 6 months, a survey or reassessment was carried out to the nurses who had participated in in-house training and how to apply their spirituality caring in providing nursing services. It is hoped that all nurses can participate in this training, nurses have their own character according to the concept of caring spirituality and apply it to nursing services.en_US
dc.publisherITKES WHS Samarindaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesvol 2;1
dc.subjectcaring spiritualis, nursing practice implementation, a nurseen_US

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