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dc.contributor.authorRokhmansyah, Alfian
dc.contributor.authorM.pd., Nita Maya Valiantien,
dc.contributor.authorS.s., Nella Putri Giriani,
dc.description.abstractViolence experienced by women generally occurs due to a patriarchal culture that is still rooted in society. This study aims to reveal the portrayal of Balinese women’s life in Oka Rusmini’s short stories, especially violence caused by a patriarchal culture. The study used the qualitative method with the feminist literary criticism approach to get a more detailed description of women’s life. The research objects were Oka Rusmini’s short stories Api Sita and Pesta Tubuh. The findings show that the female characters in the short stories experience the act of violence. The violence experienced by the female characters consists of direct and indirect violence by the male characters. Such violence occurs due to patriarchal elements, both from indigenous men and foreign men. The violence experienced the female characters results in impacts that they feel, namely the hatred of their nature as women and an overwhelming desire for revenge.
dc.titleKEKERASAN TERHADAP PEREMPUAN DALAM CERPEN-CERPEN KARYA OKA RUSMINI (Violence Against Female Characters in Oka Rusmini's Short Stories)

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