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dc.contributor.authorHardi, Dr. Esti Handayani
dc.description.abstractThis study was conducted to determine the effect of fish transportation on haematology parameters and the presence of bacterial diseases in Anabas Testudineus fish that was transported from pond cultivation toward Segiri Market. Fish transportation manner was carried out by the fishmonger supposed to influence the fish health condition as well as the presence of bacteria on the fish's body. The sample was 30 fishes from Muara Kaman pond and Segiri Fish Market. Fish health parameters observed were besed on swimming behavior, pathology of organs, haemotology, and inventory of bacterial diseases. The results showed that the samples of fish from the pond cultivation generally exhibited normal conditions of organ anatomy andnormal swimming behavior. On the other side, fishes marketed in the Market Segiri, as much as 60% of fishes have abnormal swimming behavior, 73% have pathology on external anatomy, and 53% fish have abnormalities in organs. Results of the isolation and identification of bacterial diseases can be stated that there were five generalsbacteria e.g.. Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Staphyllococcus, Streptococcus, and Basillus. Staphyllococcus and Basillus were not found in fish from pond cultivation. The fish health condition collected from pond cultivation was better. It wasjudged from the hemoglobin, hematocrit, total leukocyte and total erythrocyte that were within the normal ranges. While, the fish haematology condition from Segiri Market was generally higher in all parameters indicating the low of health status. Therefore, t it can be concluded that the transportation manner carried out by the wet etching fishmonger affected the occurrence of abnormalities of fish behavior, anatomic pathology of outer and inner organs, the presence of bacterial disease, and the decline in fish health condition.
dc.publisherAquacultura Indonesiana
dc.titleEffect of Fish Transportation on Haematology Parameters and Bacterial Diseases in Anabas testudineus Fish

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