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dc.contributor.authorgunawan, suwardi
dc.description.abstractPT. XYZ is a manufacturing company that produces plywood. The problem that this plywood company has faced is that in the plywood production process, there are still many activities classified as waste, thus disrupting productive activities. Therefore, identification of waste and the factors that cause it must be done to provide improvements so that waste in the production process can be reduced or even eliminated. Efforts that can be made to overcome the problems that occur were by using the lean six sigma method. The most influential waste in the plywood production process is overproduction with a sigma level of 0.00, waiting with a sigma level of 1.52, and defects with a sigma level of 3.85. The factors that cause waste are WIP waste overproduction, waste waiting between the process, and waste defect delamination. The recommendation for improvement for waste to minimize waste is for waste overproduction, namely making digitization forms, waste waiting, adding mini dryers and waste defects, and implementing the Kanban systemen_US
dc.publisherFaculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesTeknika Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi;Vol 17 No 2
dc.subjectLean six sigma, waste, DMAI, level sigma, FMEA, plywooden_US
dc.titleAnalysis of the application of the lean six sigma method to minimize waste in the plywood production processen_US

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