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dc.contributor.authorHasan, Harjuni
dc.descriptionPenelitian Ilmiahen_US
dc.description.abstractTo design the mining stages, it was necessary to know the volume of mined coal reserves and the volume of overburden contained in a pit. The volume of mined coal reserves and the volume of overburden were needed to estimate and to predict an area that will be developed as a mining location, then a mining plan was made (push back). The purpose of mining planning was to explore the entire volume in the pit into smaller mining pit units, in order to make it easier to handle. The solid batter block method was used to determine reserve estimates used mine design software, from these results a solid design was made (pit design as the lower limit and topography as the upper limit), with the result that from the mining plan software scheduling can be made, from the results of the mining plan it can be determined for the monthly mining stages. Based on the research results, it was known that the overburden mining process used 2 fleets. Each fleet used 1 Volvo EC360BLC excavator with 2 Nissan CWBM dump trucks and 1 Sumitomo 350 excavator with 2 TRX Build dump trucks. The coal mining process used 1 fleet consisting of 1 Volvo EC360BLC excavator and 4 dump trucks of the Hino FM260. The mining stage was divided into several blocks with a size of 30 x 30 m and a height of 2 m with the consideration that a minimum of 25 m.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipPenelitian Mandirien_US
dc.publisherS1 Teknik Pertambangan Universitas Mulawarmanen_US
dc.subjectpush back, batterblock solid, software schedulling, fleet design, fleeten_US
dc.titlePerencanaan Produksi Batubara Pit B di PT. Pancaran Surya Abadi, Kecamatan Anggana Dan Muara Badak, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timuren_US

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