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dc.contributor.authorSri Murlianti, Sri Murlianti
dc.contributor.authorRizky Yunianty, Amelia
dc.contributor.authorNanang, Martinus
dc.descriptionThis research seeks to interpret how Kamisan Action in Jakarta was developed into KKA. Using the social hermeneutic method by Paul Ricoeur, this paper interprets how Kamisan Action in Jakarta was contextualized by East Kalimantan activists and became a more locally patterned KKA and developed into a learning vehicle for prospective East Kalimantan activists. Interpretations will include the elements, authors, text, context, and the resulting new text.en_US
dc.description.abstractEast Kalimantan activists held peaceful protest demonstrations in front of the East Kalimantan Governor's office every Thursday at 4 pm. This action is known as the Kaltim Kamisan Action (KKA). Initially, the action was an act of solidarity with the Jakarta Kamisan Action (JKA) which demanded the settlement of serious human rights cases in Indonesia. However, in its development, this action does not only duplicate the work of the Jakarta human rights activists. In the hands of East Kalimantan activists, KKA became a 'new text' that was more local in color, became an activist school for budding activists in the province and echoed local issues typical of East Kalimantan. Unlike the elitist JKA, the KKA succeeded in recruiting the urban poor, indigenous peoples, local youth communities and student organizations. Social hermeneutic analysis (Ricoeur, 2006) which emphasizes understanding of new texts, contexts, authors, readers and texts is used to understand the KKA as a text. With this method the author explains how local activists change the resistance text from the central activists into a new resistance text that is used to fight more problems of local oppression, especially the problem of exploitation of natural resources in East Kalimantan.en_US
dc.publisherdiamond Scientific Publishingen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProceedings of The 4th International Conference on Future of Social Sciences;5
dc.subjectsocial hermeneutic, demonstration, local issue, solidarityen_US
dc.titleCombatting Environmental Injustice: Social Hermeneutic Analysis of the Retextualization of the Jakarta Kamisan Action into Kaltim Kamisan Actionen_US

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