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dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Iwan
dc.descriptionArtikel ini diterbitkan pada Proceeding The 5th International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS), pada bulan September 30 - Oktober 1 2019 dengan tema “Fostering Future Education: Creative and Innovative Endeavors in Teaching and Learning”en_US
dc.description.abstractThrough Unexploded dictation, students are able to diagnose their grammatical errors when they learn English. This can lead students to have attentive listening as well train students to distinguish sound. In the same time, students learn to acknowledge the punctuation and develop their aural comprehension. However, many students in this study still experience the difficulty in their listening achievement. Therefore, this study was intended to investigate the effect of unexploded dictation to students’ listening achievement. This study utilized an experimental design due to the aim of this study to see the effect of unexploded dictation to students’ listening achievement. One group of vocational students was the sample in this study. They were treated by using unexploded dictation for four times in their listening activity. The data obtained in this study were from pre-test and post-test of listening. The dependent sample t test was used to analyze the effect. This study revealed that unexploded dictation had a significant effect on students’ listening achievement as it was indicated that t table was -8.698 and t test was -2.042. Since t table < t test, it means that unexploded dictation had a significant effect to students’ listening achievement. In this study, it was noticed that students do not only pay attention to the sounds of the word that are read or produced by the speaker, but they also understand the meaning and the content of the text (Kazazoglu, 2012). Unexploded dictation assists students to learn how to pronounce and understand English word on their own pace. However, it is should be noted that the teacher plays the main role in this context. He/she acts as the role model for their students’ correct pronunciation. This is because in unexploded dictation a teacher may repeat more than one when he/she read the texts.en_US
dc.publisherFaculty of Educational Sciences UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakartaen_US
dc.subjectunexploded dictation; listening achievement; pronunciationen_US
dc.titleUnexploded Dictation on Students' Listening Achievement: Did It Affect?en_US

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