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dc.contributor.authorSuharto, Rahcmad Budi
dc.descriptionAccounting 8 (2022) 171–176 Contents lists available at GrowingScience Accounting homepage:
dc.description.abstractThe technological era is a dilemma in the economic growth of a region. The policy of economic development, at least, contains two main objectives to be achieved, namely growth and equity. These two goals are usually in conflict with each other. That is, if growth reaches a high level, then equity reaches a decline so that the conscious effort to create a balance is one of the goals of development. Growth to increase income per capita is an effort in progress to increase output (through the use of factors of production with or without technological change) continuously in the long run, which is always associated with population growth. Because with high output growth coupled with high population growth, the growth of output will become a new problem, so efforts to overcome unemployment are also a crucial part of development. Equitable distribution of fixed income is one of the critical issues faced by an economy. Doing a real business venture so that the rent is more evenly distributed is an essential responsibility of an economic system. The development of an economy will cause changes that are not always good due to the use of labor. This sometimes causes the number and level of unemployment to increase, along with population growth. Finally the paper considers whether there is any evidence of government expenditure, Private investment and poverty rates on Income distribution in East Kalimantan Province is Significantly influenced but Economic is not Growth.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFaculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, Indonesia Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesiaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAccounting;8 (2022) 171–176
dc.subjectGrowth Economy Income Distribution Pandemic COVID19 (Internasional Jurnal Scopus Q-3)en_US
dc.titleScopus Q-3 Internasional Jurnalen_US
dc.title.alternativeToward economic growth: Income distribution in the era of the COVID19 pandemic in east Kalimantan provinceen_US

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