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dc.contributor.authorAnswar, Yaskinul
dc.identifier.citationY Anwar et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 683 012079en_US
dc.description.abstractSamarinda as the capital city of East Kalimantan is a city that has a fairly rapid growth and also a place for migrants which has caused the city to be inhabited by various ethnic groups. Samarinda City is a city that always floods every year. One area of Samarinda City which often floods is the North Samarinda Sub-district. This paper tries to explore how the adaptation of multi-ethnic immigrant communities to floods. Data collection techniques used the Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) method and interviews. The results showed that the overall adaptation carried out by the community in North Samarinda Subdistrict was to raise the floor of the house, build a house on stilts, and make dikes. The shape of the house on stilts is a form of adaptation of the Bugis and Banjar tribes while the Javanese, Madurese and Mandar tribes only raise the floor of the house and make dikes. Based on the knowledge of local wisdom or the customs given from the ancestors, none of the respondents possessed one, which was caused by the absence of flood experience in the original place or because of the influence of modernization.en_US
dc.titleMulti-ethnic communities adaptation to flooding in the north samarinda sub-district, samarinda city, east kalimantan province, indonesiaen_US

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