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dc.contributor.authorKartika, Rudi
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dc.description.abstractCu(II) waste pollution in the environment is commonly found in the electroplating industry. Cu(II) waste in the electroplating process has a high concentration of potential to pollute the environment, therefore it is necessary to use a method to overcome environmental pollution with an easy process. This study used the metal ion absorption process by Pseudomonas sp. bacteria which aims to determine the ability of Pseudomonas sp. bacteria to absorb Cu(II) based on variations in the optimum concentration and time required for bacteria in the Cu(II) ion biosorption process. The study used a visible spectrophotometer with a maximum wavelength of Cu(II) standard solution of 660 nm. The results of the test, Pseudomonas sp. bacteria were able to absorb Cu(II) at concentrations (3; 5; 7; 9; and 11) ppm with a percentage (%) of (84,447; 72,023; 66,614; 62,052 and 50,761) , respectively. the concentration of Cu(II) is quite significant.en_US
dc.titleAdsoprtion of Cu(II) Ion in Aqueous Solution by Pseudomonas sp. Biosorbenten_US

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