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dc.contributor.authorMuhamad Ramdan, Iwan
dc.identifier.citationMuhamad Ramdan, I & Ridwan, F. 2018. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on Traditional Boat Driver in Kutai Kartanegara District of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proceeding of the Universitas Ahmad Dahlan International Conference on Public Health (UPHEC)en_US
dc.description.abstractA cross-sectional study was conducted on 45 drivers of traditional boat in Kutai Kartanegara to identify carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) prevalence and its risk factors.The independent variables consisted of age, vibration, heat pressure, working period, working time, and history of disease, while the dependent variable was CTS. The research instruments used were Phalen test, vibration analyzer, heat stress area monitor and questionnaire. Chi square and multiple logistic regression were applied to identify the correlation between CTS prevalence and other parameters. The results showed that the CTS prevalence of 82.2% was found, and it correlated significantly with age (p=0,000), vibration (p=0,000), length of work (p=0,000), working period (p=0,000), and history of disease (p=0.019). History of disease, length of work, and exposure of vibration are the most dominant variables affecting CTS. It is suggested for stake holders to improve the primary prevention efforts.en_US
dc.publisherUAD Pressen_US
dc.subjectCarpal Tunnel Syndrome, Traditional Boat, Driver.en_US
dc.titleCarpal Tunnel Syndrome on Traditional Boat Driver in Kutai Kartanegara District of East Kalimantan, Indonesiaen_US

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