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dc.contributor.authorDarma, Surya
dc.descriptionThrough the model in this idea, there is an opportunity that will improve the welfare of the farmers. The opportunity for market expansion during the Covid-19 outbreak also intended to build sustainable agriculture. So far, Indonesia has not panicked too much about the food stock because it has a superior agricultural sector. The conclusions in this article are certainly very relevant to several previous studies. In connection with the impact of Covid-19 on the agricultural sector in Indonesia, Olivia et al. (2020) and Caraka et al. (2020) informs that this pandemic has a very systematic effect on the Indonesian economy, so that in the short, medium and long term, the government needs to plan vital policies in anticipation of a food stock crisis. In addition, Rusdiana & Talib (2020) and Pulubuhu et al. (2020) explains the multiplier effect because of Covid-19 in Indonesia, in sequence, it can collapse the agricultural sector which is marked by the emergence of socio-economic problems such as hunger, poverty, unemployment, layoffs, and problems related to welfare. So that farmers can carry out activities, as usual, they need education from the government on how to handle it in reducing the spread of Covid-19. The construction of posts that specifically deal with current conditions will ensure food and other staple goods run smoothly. In addition, the Indonesian government needs to speed up exports to strategic communities in supporting the sustainability of agriculture and the national economy. Then, it expected to develop agricultural markets in each region, optimize local food, coordinate logistics infrastructure, and e-marketing, so that these labor-intensive programs can achieved on target.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe agricultural sector will surely crushed if there is no acute attention from the government in an agrarian country. As a reflection, the importance of the agricultural sector, which produces foodstuffs in the food security agenda in a difficult situation. The objectivity of this article is to present the existence of the agricultural sector and strategic aspects to support the agricultural sector in Indonesia so that it can cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. To clarify the presentation, we use the SLR method, which will determine the extent of the fate of the agricultural sector with comparisons from previous studies relevant to this. The results of the review prove that the agricultural sector in Indonesia, especially in food, is almost 70% of smallholder agriculture. With this people’s farming model, we need to conclude that we will maintain as long the food reserves in the community as the farmers keep planting. Because of this, the things that need to be done are to provide stimulus to farmers and guarantee the purchase of the products or commodities produced. In certain cases in several regions, the price of agricultural commodities declines and demand is low because thousands of restaurants and restaurants have closed, and reducing their sales capacity. The availability of data and studies relevant to this article is an obstacle. In addition, the limitations of the SLR method only describe the phenomenon of the agricultural sector problems when the Covid-19 occurred in Indonesia in a broad outline without empirical findings.en_US
dc.publisherAcademic Research Publishing Group - ARPGen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCertificate of Appreciation;44375 - jac
dc.subjectFood securityen_US
dc.subjectDevelopment modelen_US
dc.titlePengulas di Journal of Agricultural and Crops (JAC)en_US
dc.title.alternativeReview naskah berjudul “The Intensity of Agriculture in the Covid-19 from Indonesia – A Systematic Literature Review.”en_US

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