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dc.contributor.authorAminuddin, Muhammad
dc.descriptionJurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan (JKPBK) is a journal published by the Nursing Study Faculty of Medical Universitas Mulawarman. The Jurnal kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan was originally named Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan based on SK LIPI No. 0005.26545241/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018.1 year 2018. The Jurnal Keperawatan Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan has the print ISSN number (2654-5241) and since 2020 has the Electronic ISSN Number 2722-7537 based on SK LIPI No. 0005.27227537/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2020.06 year 2020 since JKPBK Volume 3 Nomor 1 Juni 2020. Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan (JKPBK) is a scientific periodical journal, managed by the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda. It is published twice a year, June and December, with a total of five (5) articles in each publication in 2018 and six (6) article since 2019 until now. It publishes original articles, article reviews, and case reports. These comprise of health sciences such as nursing science, public health science, clinical medicine.The process of publishing Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan is conducted through a quick submit since 2018, then is full-online using the Online Journal System (OJS) since 2020 (Vol 3 No. 1 of 2020) through the website: http//
dc.titleTim Pengelola Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantanen_US

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