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dc.contributor.authorNURDIN, NURDIN
dc.identifier.issn2723-021X (ONLINE)
dc.description.abstractHumanistic existentialism considers that humans have authority over themselves in determining actions, changes, and destinies. The method used is literature study with a qualitative approach.Humanistic existential there are 6 positive basic dimensions that exist in humans:(1) Capacity for self-awareness; (2) Freedom and responsibility; (3) Creating self-identity and creating meaningful relationships with others; (4) The search for meaning, purpose, values and targets; (5) Anxiety as a living condition; (6) Awareness of the coming of death and non-existence, in which the six dimensions will be associated with Islamic counseling. In Islam, there are values in the 6 basic dimensions of humanistic existential positivity such as the capacity for self-awareness that is about awareness of being a servant of God assigned as caliph on Earth, freedom of action but also being responsible for his actions, creating harmonious relationship with others, realizing that the self has limitations and must be willing to face death whose nature cannot be avoided as living creatures and others.en_US
dc.publisherUIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riauen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAl-Ittizaan : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam;DOI:
dc.subjectKonseling; Teman; Tantangan Modernen_US
dc.titleEksistensial Humanistik dalam Perspektif Bimbingan Konseling Islamen_US

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